Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Wensday, June 4, 2014

5 things:

1.  143/66 BP, 73 pulse.  Better than it was two weeks ago!

2.  favorite sandwich for lunch today:  cold baked chicken, lettuce, mayonnaise on Pita bread.  YUM!

3.  Porch door open!  can hear the birds singing!!

4.  More car insurance savings in the junk mail today.  Hello, insurers....I don't have a car!

5.  When people call and can't pronounce either of my names--first or last--I try my best
response:  "Please don't call back again."  And surprisingly, many of them don't.


  1. I like your "express" blog. This is better than Twitter or Facebook for short pieces!

    1. thanks,'re very kind! I like this, too.

  2. OTOH, I preferred your previous style...

  3. Longer articles, alternating between insights into your personal activities and book/politics/arts reviews and analyses. The mix is what I liked, never know what we getting next.

    I try to do that too, but end up either commenting on (local) current events or photo-sketching road trips. Can't seem to produce a decent rant or educational piece lately.

    Say lavvy ;-)

    1. say lavvy, yer own self. this is not the END of's a mere hiatus. dig into yer dickshunary for that. in the meantime, short is all i can do for a time.
