Thursday, July 24, 2014

Little Red Hen Shares the Pinky Show....

5 things:


2.  Cats are very smart, especially Pinky and his friend.

3.  Thanks, Naomi....

4.  Have a wonderful weekend, y'alls!

5.  We're all offspring of settlers.  Think on it! 

Neither rain, nor snow, nor heat....etc.

5 things:

1.  I'm talkin about mail today.  The kind that comes to our place.  All squashed and ripped and mashed...

2.  Apparently someone in our coop complained about the HUGE mailboxes we had (past tense),
and so the Board, ever vigilant for our minor whines, bought some new ones.

3.  The new ones are much smaller, and as a result, the mail persons have to SMASH our mail into them.  Even the mail that says "do not bend."

4. "Do not bend" refers to photographs of our great-grandchildren, birthday cards, photos from the White House!

5.  I was discussing this with my neighbor Margaret today, mentioning how the mail persons smash all the "do not bend" items.  She asked, "Did you get the one of the two White House dogs?"  Of course! Being on their mailing list, I get all of that.  I had to look up the dogs' photo, and I am now happy to know that the Other dog, not BO, but the new one, is named "Sunny."  apparently this refers to her personality, since she is black as tar.  No white streaks like Bo's. I wonder if they shed all that curly hair?  And if so, who cleans it up??

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Time For Women In Black!

5 things:

1. Women In Black is an international organization whose motto is "FOR JUSTICE, AGAINST WAR." 

2.  I became aware of it when my Jewish friends from Israel told me about it. 

3.  I don't hear much about it any more. 

4.  I don't hear much about being "For Justice" and "Against War" except in blogs I love.  The one that prompted this post is Emilie Johnson's post today on Gaza

5.  Emilie Johnson is an incredible young woman writer and photographer.  Her blog ordinarily lacks
the supreme irritation the rest of us express over politics, particularly right-wing politics.  She takes
photos of her beloved family and places they visit. It is a font of peace and love on this clod of dirt that spins through the universe. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It's only Tuesday so far....

5 things:

1.  I keep forgetting to take my pills at night.  I get the water, put the glass beside my bed, have the little pill sorter right there, and then I start reading or watching Netflix and fall asleep.  I take the pills when I wake up, but it's often the next morning.  ugh.

2.  Got a phone call today from some survey outfit and they told me that if I agreed to take part in a
medical survey/experiment, i'd get a check for $5,000.  I couldn't quite hear what the survey was about so I paused and asked them to repeat.  Which they did, and I still didn't get it.  Pls repeat, etc.  They said, "Are you OK?"

3.  I said, "Why do you ask?  Should I be excited or something?"  (I got the part about the $5K.)  And then they kind of snickered, and repeated it very slowly.  "Oh," I said.  "No thanks. Sorry."  The medical experiment was testing pills for diabetes, which thankfully I do not have.  Then they went
down a list of other conditions that I might have.  Alas, I had none of the paying kinds--just the stupid
old high bp (which is coming way down along with my weight) and high cholesterol, etc.  The money goes OUT from me on those. 

4.  Dang.  I should forward that info to a friend whose brother has diabetes.  She's a doctor, too.  She'd catch any funny stuff.

5.  I did do some good on the phone today, though.  I found out that I have two kinds of dental insurance, and I found out that I've been qualified for Medicaid since 2011.   Meanwhile, my teeth
continue to fall out and I get lots of calls from some place in Texas that chases down my clinic
balance.  This Medicaid news should shut them up for a while.  I keep telling them to send me an email, that I can't hear very well on the phone, etc., and they say they don't have email in their office.  I just tell them not to call back.


Monday, July 21, 2014

Feliz Lunes-y!!

5 things:

1.  Looking for a Zen monastery hereabouts.  Found one place, though not a monastery, just about 3 or 4 blocks away.

2.  Serious sitting:  6 hours, 3 hours.  yowch!  you can change the arrangement of your legs to make
it more comfortable.

3.  One author wrote that she gained the ability to sit in the full lotus position by sitting that way whenever she was not standing or walking.  That means she read,  brushed her teeth, folded her laundry, chopped vegetables, etc., sitting in the full lotus position. This relaxed young lad makes it
look easy.  I'll keep him as my model. Thanks to

4.  My own sitting schedule to start will be 5 minutes every day, 5 days a week. 

5.  Another intriguing practice is counting your breaths...all day every day. 1-10, repeat....that'll
be fun while walking.  I used to do that back when I was more engaged in this kind of thing.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


5 things:

1.  On the bus, in the seat ahead of me, a loving couple riding to work...much nuzzling....she gets off first, gives him a big kiss.  he gets off next. 

2.  young man takes their place.  he has dreads and one of those sun-shade hats.  one of his dreads has
a little white feather in it....from his pillow, probably.  very peaceful little feather.

3.  enjoyed movie at 12;30:  "TAMMY".   HATED the previews of coming attractions--loud, violent.  movie itself got better as it went along.  Ending is sweet.  Fabulous actors:  Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Kathy Bates, Sandra Oh, Dan Aykdroyd....others. 

4.  movie ticket comes with free small popcorn (no thanks). (Not allowed to trade in for bottle of h2o). 

5.  get home, finish off potato salad and cherry yogurt container 5.3 oz.  pondering a drink of some sort.  tea?


Thursday, July 17, 2014

things I love to cook

5 things:

1. menu #11 from THE FAMILY MEAL: HOME COOKING WITH FERRAN ADRIA:  Asparagus and fried egg; Chicken wings, garlic, and mushrooms; Fruit in homemade sangria.

2. Takes longer than the recipe specifies, but the longer the chicken wings recipe cooks, the browner and tastier it gets.

3.  Cooking from this book has taught me two things:  do the grocery shopping the day before (unless it's for fish).  That means having the mushrooms, the chicken wings, enough garlic (I used 12 cloves),
and both white and red wine.  the white wine is for the chicken wings, and the red is for the sangria.  It also means having about a dozen spears of fresh asparagus on hand--6 per serving--and at least two eggs.  Saute the asparagus in a pan in hot oil, remove to plates, then turn up heat, make sure there's enough oil in the pan, and cook the eggs (one per serving) on high.  I flipped mine cuz I don't like the "over easy" finish for eggs.  You can do this while the chicken wings are cooking and almost done.    When the eggs are nice & crispy, add one on top of the asparagus on each plate.  salt & peppered, of course.

4.  The second thing I learned is that you can make the sangria part the night before.  Add the fruit and let it soak in the refrig until mealtime.  If you don't have Cointreau for the homemade sangria, it's ok.  Tastes fine all the same.  I made mine with sections of half an orange (used the first half to make juice for the sangria), about 2 cups of watermelon chunks,  half a dozen sweet red plums, red wine, a tsp of sugar.  Mix the juice, wine, and sugar (and 2 tbsp of cointreau if you have it) and put it in a bowl.  add the chopped fruit and let it sit in the fridge overnight.

5.  This is an amazing lunch that will make you happy!!  and you won't need any supper, either, though I sometimes have a bowl of cheerios at night.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Signs of Aging??

5 things:

1.  Even presumably old people get up and give me their seat on the metro or the bus now.

2 . And the men often say things like "Wait'll you get old, you'll appreciate it." 

3.  I'd guess I am 15-20 years older than they are. 

4.  When I go to stand up, the person sitting next to me usually helps me.

5.  These things happen without my asking for them.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Xtreme Miscellany

5 things:

1.  Ran across this tonight....Little Hunter Hayes, age 4:  one of my all-time favorites

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2.  We never did anything like this at this age.  We were too busy behaving ourselves.

3.  Got in the door tonight, just before the heavens opened up, and we had a real gully washer!

4.  Had Lebanese garlic sauce with lunch today.  Fabulous stuff!!

5.  Isn't today Bastille Day??

Thursday, July 10, 2014

To the porch!

5 things:

1.  When AC goes haywire in 90F weather, I head for my porch.

2.   It's shaded out there, and it catches any stray breezes.

3.  I can say hi to the neighbors as they head for their cars.

4.  The bird songs are glorious.

5.  And I can keep an eye on my plants.