Thursday, June 12, 2014

5 Small Things....

I ride the metro or the bus almost every day.  Most days my journeys are unremarkable.  But sometimes, they're not.

1.  Two days ago, a young man burst out of the tunnel from the elevator at our metro stop. 

2.  I don't know what he was singing, but it was very modern and LOUD. 

3.  He continued down the sidewalk singing and dancing. 

4.  Then an old man with gray curls and a sky blue sweater came out of the tunnel right behind the young man. 

5.  "Don't be an asshole!"  He shouted.  "Don't be an asshole."



  1. There's a story here.... wonder what it is!

    1. let's write 5 sentences. you do the first sentence....:)

    2. It was a dark and stormy night.

    3. ....and the old man with gray curls and a sky blue sweater had taken refuge in the tunnel. He had just started to eat his peanut butter'n'jelly sandwich when..... (OK someone else's turn)

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. ....a young man burst out of the elevator, grabbed the old man's ham sandwich, stuffed it in his mouth, swallowed it, and ran off singing and dancing. [most old men here have meat sandwiches made from whatever they had the night before--ham or beef....back to you folks....]

  2. The old man's eyes nearly popped out of his head in outrage. He started chasing the young man, his grey curls bobbing in the wind, but just as he reached for the remains of his sandwich......

    1. was that 5 sentences? you write the best ones, Shammy!!

  3. hehehehehe watch out Shakepeare!
