Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Dispatches 2, June 10, 2014

5 things:

1.  Are you becoming SPAM??  When I look at FaceBook and my contributions thereto, I can easily think of "SPAM".....All those funny jokes, and glorious pictures (some of which are highly photoshopped)...and wonderful mottos.....some people are really good at sending out things many will enjoy and be inspired by.  I would like to be a little more original, but bear with me.

2.  We were going to deal with Colors on this dispatch.  Well, I got plenty of kudos on my Cadmium orange underpainting--from an artist i respect highly and from a cultural icon I adore--but I have to make my commissioner happy.  So I've added a layer of white (which I generally do not use AT ALL). 

3.  I somehow cannot find the photo I need for this.  TSK. 

4.  But I shall not quit my show!

5.  This is why it takes so long do create a work of art.  There are so many things to consider!!


  1. I just covered a canvas with cad orange underpainting too.... will start covering up the orange tomorrow.... but I find it really hard to get started, but once I am on my way I really enjoy it. Must be fear of failure, or fear of not liking what I produce, weird eh?

    1. "fear of failure" does not match you at all. I think you're an artist, and you LOVE the process. part of the painting process is discovery!! you love what
      happens--discovering a new tool for your kit--or you dislike it and never use it
      again until you're inspired.

    2. pray tell WHY you picked cad orange for underpainting. what does it do for you/?

    3. Because I wanted to use some blues....

    4. blue and orange--one of my very favorite combinations!!!

    5. First, let me say that I appreciate your 5-things formatting, ME. Great idea. Second, much of our house is based on blue and terra cotta - which I thought was an orange until we replaced the carpeting. The new carpeting is a whited version of the terra cotta on a couple of walls - but - people call the carpeting "pink"! You artistic types have it all over the rest of us. Too bad you don't live close enough to give me much-needed advice!
      Cop Car

  2. I like the idea of 5 things. You are a genius.

    1. the "5 things" is not my original idea. I've found it in many places as I roam the web. The person who uses it the most is Belgian Waffle
      www.belgianwaffling.com. She also does percents, though that is too hard for me.

    2. quel dommage! i named the wrong person. Waffle does indeed use percentages, but the "5 things" theme recurs throughout the work of Gretchen Rubin http://www.gretchenrubin.com. I love Rubin's "Happiness Project"--not that I'm so absorbed in happiness, but I like the way she thinks..

    3. Obviously, I hadn't gotten to the bottom of the page before posting my previous comment. Oh, well. Perhaps I should start including 1.618 things in each of my postings. Fibonacci would be so pleased - lol!
      Cop Car

    4. a course I had to look Fibonaci up (again)....u must think you're writing to Stu. blue and orange....terra cotta....pink. it all depends on the light. but i would never consider orange to be terra cotta. gotta do some research on that. maybe there's a 'cadium pink' that would do as well. or.....it is too bad we don't live closer together...but iowa is as close as I could manage.
