Friday, August 29, 2014


5 things:

1.  I want to study history, but where to start?  Maybe I'll make a map.

2.  Or a dictionary.  like, "Where was/is The Levantine."  (noun?  adjective??)

3.  My list of things to acquire:  hand-held blender, Shelving for more books. a file cabinet for
those pesky legal documents.  (I.e., when did we get divorced? I have that paper
somewhere....), sturdy French jelly/water glasses--all the rest but one are broken.

4.  I am reading The Black Swan and enjoying it a lot.  It's about unexpected, catastrophic events.

5.  I've been through a heap of those:  polio, television, WWII events are just the first 3..... 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Great-grandson Jack wakes up at 4 a.m. these days.

5 things:

1.  Grandson Sean's wife, Laura--mother of Jack aged about 18 months, started back to school (teaching special education, grades 1-3) this week, and Jack has taken to waking up at 4 a.m.!  Laura is desperate for another hour or two of sleep that time of day before she has to face all those little kids.  What to do? 

2.   I never had that problem.  My kids all slept the night through--except Sally, who would bail herself out of her crib, scan the coffee table for any leftover snacks, then come stand beside our bed
with her potato-chip breath and bump the mattress.  It was verra early, though there was light in the sky, and I'd just haul her into bed with us and she'd nap a little until the others woke up and requested breakfast.

3.  Peggy woke up very early one morning, and she and Sally let themselves out of the house and
got into the horse barn, where one of the horse promptly kicked Peggy when she wafted into her stall
and gave her a light pat.  Probably scared the heck out of the horse, and it wasn't a bad kick.  just put a bruise into Peggy's thigh and sent both girls weeping back into the house.  I got up, dressed everyone, and drove her into the ER to make sure there was nothing seriously the matter. 

4.  It was hard being deaf and not able to rely on my hearing to monitor the kids when I was sleeping.

5.  The owner of the horse, whose name also was Margaret, explained to the girls that they should never go into the pen or the barn when the horses were there, and they should never give them a light pat.  And so we got through that episode.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Lida Moser, August 17, 1920 -- August 11, 1920

5 things:

1.  Back to Lida Moser, August 17, 1920 - August 11, 2014 for my post on Lida, who died yesterday afternoon.

2.  So many of my great, wonderful friends are no longer on the planet.  Where do they go?

3.  And how lucky I was to have met them and share in their enormous light and love.

4.   Lida has taught me not only about beauty and friendship, but also about frail humanity,

5.  Which prevented me from seeing her for the last few years.  How will I deal with that?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

What the news doesn't say much about

5 things:

1.  My friend Jesse's mom died this past week.

2.  Big storm rips into Hawaii, but Hattie's house is OK at least.

3.  The Nixon "farewell address" on YouTube was excruciating. Who was the guy smoking a pipe?

4.   My friend Lida is on palliative care.  In the old days, that would have meant lots of aspirin??

5.   My great-grandniece is two weeks old! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

You can do a lot in 5 minutes

5 things:

1.  Challenge for the day:  "Tidy up" your place in 5 minutes.  Ha.  You mean the parts I can see when I walk through the front door? 

2.  Start with the sofa:  clearing off old mail, books, magazines -- 30 minutes. (Well, some of these
haven't been read yet!!)

3.  Sew up the seam on one sofa pillow cover that has come apart.  20 minutes.

4.  Take a photo of the huge books piled in front of the sofa.  It's a functional arrangement, and if
I put them back on their respectives shelves (assuming they have been shelved before), I'll need to
recreate the arrangement and put it by the sofa, where I love to sit for 5 minutes occasionally and
look through these books.  20 minutes to take the photo:  recharging the camera battery, finding a
memory card with some space left. separating the jpeg pix from the RAW pix.  it's been about an
hour for this--many photos to enjoy and fiddle with.

5.  Take a shower--the HVAC is frozen again, so that's off, and I'm sweating like a bullet, as my sister-in-law Trudy used to say.  Do bullets sweat?  Wash the towels used to mop up the melted ice--1 hour, including drying.  The sofa looks really good.  Maybe i'll go pick up the biggest, fattest book (Annie Leibovitz A Photographer's Life 1990 to 2005) and go through it all the way to the end.  Must weigh 15 pounds.  What a treasure!!  2 hours.