Saturday, February 6, 2016

Saturday, Feb 6, 2016

This time is an auspicious one for me.  My dad's birthday yesterday (2/5), my pal Cathy's birthday today (2/6), my old h.s. boyfriend Bob's birthday, (2/3).  I feel surrounded by these high-powered Aquarians--with whom the spheres have united me for mutual learning.  Unfortunately, I feel
inferior to these folks in many ways, but I've loved them all and appreciated their appearance
on my stage for so long. L'chaim, all!!  Let's be glad and rejoice. 


  1. The people in our lives do really matter and aren't we lucky to have them. Often we find others even think that of us and isn't that a nice feeling.

  2. So wise.....yes. Loved ones both comfort and instruct us. thanks for stopping by....always a pleasure!

  3. That's a lot of activity for the shortest month of the year!
    Cop Car

  4. A lot of birthday parties, that's for sure!! :)
