Wednesday, November 26, 2014


One thing:

1.  "Fading Gigolo" (2013) is on Netflix streaming:  Written and directed by John Toturro and starring himself, Woody Allen, Vanessa Paradis, Liev Schreiber, Sharon Stone, Sofia Vergara, Tonya Pinkins, and half a dozen or more kid and other excellent actors in a gentle, intelligent, amusing film about two middle-aged men whose businesses have failed and who decide to become a gigolo named Virgil (Turturro) and his pimp (Allen).  Allen gets the idea from his dermatologist (Stone), who asks Allen if he could suggest anyone willing to engage in menage a troi with the dermatologist and her girlfriend (Vergara).  Allen asks his florist (Turturro) if he'd be interested. The two men tell themselves they're in it for the money, but a tender love develops between Turturro and the young widow (Paradis) of a Hasidic Rabbi with 6 children. The setting, Brooklyn, serves up all kinds of subplots (kids with head lice, Hasidim).  I haven't seen such a simply enjoyable movie for a long time.  It did not do well at the box office--nothing blows up or lands in a space ship--but I loved it.  No pain, no strain.  Best Woody Allen role in a long time

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