Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Back At It....

5 things:

1.  Laptop back in bidness, thanks to new wireless keyboard that sits on top of the old disabled one,

2.  Because my "newest" Macbook is more than 5 years old, it's classified as a keepsake, and is not
repairable if anything more serious than a new laptop is needed.

3.  Can't figure out what has happened to Minnesota--home of Hubert H. Humphrey and EugeneMcCarthy--and Iowa--which used to be reliably Democratic in the part where I lived.  Joni Ernst??

4.  Passed the Peace Corps hq on the way home yesterday, remembered my earlier desire to join this
after retirement.  Still think it's not possible, but who knows?  Go talk to them?

5.  Found my photos of Amalfi Coast 2008 on my oldest laptop, and the kind folks at the Apple Store showed me how to use my Passport gadget to save and transfer them to this laptop.  (Easier said than done!!) Stay tuned....


  1. Did the Peace Corps accept your application?
    Cop Car

  2. Cop Car....when I first considered the Peace Corps after retirement, I was simply deaf--wore two hearing aids. Now I have a cochlear implant, and this requires a whole different level of support. The Peace Corps will not let a person into a country that cannot support their medical needs. So this is a question I haven't yet resolved. The only age requirement in the Peace Corps is being at least 18 years old. Many volunteers are over 50, and there is a 50+ office in the Peace Corps Organization. I am more than normally dependent on electricity, also. (charging my batteries, using the dry box, etc.) And there's the whole heart-stent business, too. I think I might be more trouble than I'm worth. A bit high-maintenance in many ways, though not in my personal lifestyle (no car, no TV, etc.) Doubtless I can contribute my skills and learning here--without the Peace Corps experience.
    stay tuned....

  3. p.s. i did talk with the Peace Corps before I retired, and they had no problem with my being deaf, per se. There was an opening for a person helping deaf children raise rabbits for meat. They were not English speaking or acquainted with ASL. Just never applied for that.
