Sunday, July 20, 2014


5 things:

1.  On the bus, in the seat ahead of me, a loving couple riding to work...much nuzzling....she gets off first, gives him a big kiss.  he gets off next. 

2.  young man takes their place.  he has dreads and one of those sun-shade hats.  one of his dreads has
a little white feather in it....from his pillow, probably.  very peaceful little feather.

3.  enjoyed movie at 12;30:  "TAMMY".   HATED the previews of coming attractions--loud, violent.  movie itself got better as it went along.  Ending is sweet.  Fabulous actors:  Melissa McCarthy, Susan Sarandon, Kathy Bates, Sandra Oh, Dan Aykdroyd....others. 

4.  movie ticket comes with free small popcorn (no thanks). (Not allowed to trade in for bottle of h2o). 

5.  get home, finish off potato salad and cherry yogurt container 5.3 oz.  pondering a drink of some sort.  tea?



  1. Thing #1 sounds rather pornographic, an example of Rule 34, I assume ;-)

    1. The incorrigible Stu! Do you have an app that picks up this kind of stuff? I'll have to rewrite it. what they were doing was not remotely pornographic. and they got off the BUS, for pity's sake.

  2. Oh, it happened again: heartfelt comment disappearance. Ah well.
