Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Seen on Metro....

T-shirt:  "May your life be as fabulous as you claim on FaceBook"


  1. Expect that's a great line! Even though I haven't closed my FB site I opened years ago, I ceased my already limited involvement there soon after opening and have no regrets. Did I read somewhere that 50% of the computer-using population has a FB site?

    Here I am again, the inconsistent erratic blogger (IEB) !

    I was enchanted by that whole Wabi Sabi concept when I first encountered it years ago -- maybe here(?) -- which you wrote of in a recent post I see.

    Congrats on your third (Wow!) great (dbl Wow!!) grandchild (I'll never catch up.) !!!

    Whatever you're up to --- some monkey business, I suppose -- keep it up!

    1. Yes, monkey business is the term....monkey with colored pencil and tablet. some day if I can figger out how to post it, I'll share it here. Here's a good thought for the day. "Wherever you are standing, right now, is holy ground!"
      Yes!! Thanks for stopping by, IEB, and leaving some wonderful words!
