Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rude Hippo Wooden Nickel on Tap at The Green Lady Bar!

Coupla things:

1.  My oldest grandson, baptized Ian, but now going by "Zuul," and his lovely wife, Medea, have placed their craft beer "Rude Hippo Wooden Nickel" in The Green Lady bar on N. Lincoln Ave. in Chicago.  Congratulations, you two!  How exciting!!  Onward!!

2.  Maybe they will create a second beer for us old folks "Rockin' on the Porch Blue Ribbon."

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What to do with the kids and the mail?

5 things:

1.  Twitter today offers this tweet from @Zerotothree:  "...More than 2.5 million grandparents serve as primary caregivers for their grandkids."  If you ride public transportation, this
is NOT news.  Further, the photo accompanying the Tweet shows a serene (asleep?) white grandma and ONE chubby white infant.  Haven't seen that combo yet. The grannies (and grandpas) I see in the bus or metro here in DC are Hispanic or black, and they are usually wrangling 3 & 4 lively kids, including one infant.  That's a lot of kids.

So Twitter's stats are based on number of grandparents, not number of grandkids being cared for by a grandparent?? 

2.  I got a package from Amazon yesterday, thanks to the good graces of my neighbor next door.  The
coop has changed their mail delivery arrangement from inside the lobby to outside at a curbside mailbox station.  The curbside station CAN receive packages in two larger boxes (big enough for, say, two cans of soup or a box of Wheaties), but can't handle anything larger.  (I
was wondering how Amazon was going to deliver it--by drone, through one of my two windows or
the porch door??)

My neighbor saw the delivery guy outside puzzling over how to ring my doorbell and brought the package in.   I think A should train its delivery people in the fine art of carrying a big box up one flight of stairs instead of handing it to a woman who was 80 when I moved in 3 years ago and letting her carry it.  She of course is quite strong, as I am, but still....  I'm going to tell them this, too.

3.  It's nice and cool here today--if you can call 73F with no rain and a nice breeze cool.  I do.  Love it.

4.  But that brings up my haircut.  Should I cut it very short (er than it is now)?  Or is it too late
in the season?  I remember my first very short cut and how CHILLY it was.

5.  Having fun, full of love.  xoxoxo

Monday, September 8, 2014


5 things:

1.  There are bargains!  The MARC train to Baltimore costs $3.50 one way for a person of my age!!

2.  But remember that old joke about the price of food on the train?  "Cheese sandwich, $2.00--with cheese, $4.00"?   There are NO cheese sandwiches in the train station at Baltimore.  But there are
egg salad sandwiches for $7.59!  Ha.  I brought my own cheese sandwich.  With age comes wisdom.

3.  Apparently I can hear better this year than I did last year.  Tell that to my nearest and dearest.

4.  60 years ago today--September 8, 1954--I entered the convent. 

5.  I'm not there any more, and I am thanking God, or whomever, for favors received.