Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What to do with the kids and the mail?

5 things:

1.  Twitter today offers this tweet from @Zerotothree:  "...More than 2.5 million grandparents serve as primary caregivers for their grandkids."  If you ride public transportation, this
is NOT news.  Further, the photo accompanying the Tweet shows a serene (asleep?) white grandma and ONE chubby white infant.  Haven't seen that combo yet. The grannies (and grandpas) I see in the bus or metro here in DC are Hispanic or black, and they are usually wrangling 3 & 4 lively kids, including one infant.  That's a lot of kids.

So Twitter's stats are based on number of grandparents, not number of grandkids being cared for by a grandparent?? 

2.  I got a package from Amazon yesterday, thanks to the good graces of my neighbor next door.  The
coop has changed their mail delivery arrangement from inside the lobby to outside at a curbside mailbox station.  The curbside station CAN receive packages in two larger boxes (big enough for, say, two cans of soup or a box of Wheaties), but can't handle anything larger.  (I
was wondering how Amazon was going to deliver it--by drone, through one of my two windows or
the porch door??)

My neighbor saw the delivery guy outside puzzling over how to ring my doorbell and brought the package in.   I think A should train its delivery people in the fine art of carrying a big box up one flight of stairs instead of handing it to a woman who was 80 when I moved in 3 years ago and letting her carry it.  She of course is quite strong, as I am, but still....  I'm going to tell them this, too.

3.  It's nice and cool here today--if you can call 73F with no rain and a nice breeze cool.  I do.  Love it.

4.  But that brings up my haircut.  Should I cut it very short (er than it is now)?  Or is it too late
in the season?  I remember my first very short cut and how CHILLY it was.

5.  Having fun, full of love.  xoxoxo


  1. I liked the hair cut you had when we saw you last. Good length for you!

    1. thanks, sweetheart. It's about that now, and I've found a good haircutter who can repeat her successes!! I like to keep it short for swimming. Your hair always looks wonderful!!
