Friday, August 29, 2014


5 things:

1.  I want to study history, but where to start?  Maybe I'll make a map.

2.  Or a dictionary.  like, "Where was/is The Levantine."  (noun?  adjective??)

3.  My list of things to acquire:  hand-held blender, Shelving for more books. a file cabinet for
those pesky legal documents.  (I.e., when did we get divorced? I have that paper
somewhere....), sturdy French jelly/water glasses--all the rest but one are broken.

4.  I am reading The Black Swan and enjoying it a lot.  It's about unexpected, catastrophic events.

5.  I've been through a heap of those:  polio, television, WWII events are just the first 3..... 


  1. ad 1) Early history? How about "The First Three Minutes" by Steven Weinberg ;-)
