Wednesday, January 18, 2017


I was in a local convenience store this past week, and a young black man turned to me and asked, "Are you Jewish?"  "No," I said.  "You look Jewish," he said.  I said, "Well, my great-grandmother in Germany was Jewish."  And he nodded and said, "You've got Jewish blood in you."  I was about to ask him what exactly made him think I looked Jewish, but he had already turned and walked away. 

Now usually I would just describe that person as a "young man", nfs.  But upon reflection, perhaps this encounter was more significant than just odd banter.  In reading about the swastikas painted on venerable synagogues and temples, it seems most of the perpetrators are young and white--"Aryan Nation" types.  Guess in this case, anyway, it's more widespread than that.  Heaven help us.

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