Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Blow the Polls!!!

My first (and probably only) office job in Iowa was for a survey research firm for the broadcast industry, and one of the things I can state with certainty is that you can make a poll say anything you want it to.  So never fear, Hillaryites, and don't get all bloated with pride, Trumpsters (even more than you are).  It's all smoke and mirrors. Holding us all in the light.


  1. Yes, the picture of ourselves! What you say is how i've always felt about TV ratings -- Nielsen ratings and ARB nimbers based on a small poll of people were the bible station/network time salesmen relied on to pitch for commercial purchase. The numbers could be credited or blamed for detecting why shows were good or bad, renewed or not for another season, on air news talent was retained or replaced. Better to use those numbers than a human being risking their jobs to make an educated assessment of quality and appeal, then be wrong.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Re comment #2...Yes, the author removed it, and she has been busy thinking of how to say it grammatically. Too much
    FaceBooking--can't say anything in proper syntax any more.
