Tuesday, August 5, 2014

You can do a lot in 5 minutes

5 things:

1.  Challenge for the day:  "Tidy up" your place in 5 minutes.  Ha.  You mean the parts I can see when I walk through the front door? 

2.  Start with the sofa:  clearing off old mail, books, magazines -- 30 minutes. (Well, some of these
haven't been read yet!!)

3.  Sew up the seam on one sofa pillow cover that has come apart.  20 minutes.

4.  Take a photo of the huge books piled in front of the sofa.  It's a functional arrangement, and if
I put them back on their respectives shelves (assuming they have been shelved before), I'll need to
recreate the arrangement and put it by the sofa, where I love to sit for 5 minutes occasionally and
look through these books.  20 minutes to take the photo:  recharging the camera battery, finding a
memory card with some space left. separating the jpeg pix from the RAW pix.  it's been about an
hour for this--many photos to enjoy and fiddle with.

5.  Take a shower--the HVAC is frozen again, so that's off, and I'm sweating like a bullet, as my sister-in-law Trudy used to say.  Do bullets sweat?  Wash the towels used to mop up the melted ice--1 hour, including drying.  The sofa looks really good.  Maybe i'll go pick up the biggest, fattest book (Annie Leibovitz A Photographer's Life 1990 to 2005) and go through it all the way to the end.  Must weigh 15 pounds.  What a treasure!!  2 hours. 


  1. Isn't the couch a great place to establish a library? Never had thought of this earlier in life. But then was not using the couch as much!

  2. You've given me an idea, NDB! more later....:)

  3. Better start planning what to do tomorrow, there's not much of today left after all those tasks are accomplished.

  4. We just got our place in Seattle tidied up and are headed out tomorrow a.m. into god knows what after the tropical storm that ripped the Big Island of Hawaii. Our house in Hilo is OK, but there will be the aftermath and much hardship for many.

    1. Glad your house in Hilo is OK, and hope the trip back goes well. Holding you in the light.
