Monday, July 14, 2014

Xtreme Miscellany

5 things:

1.  Ran across this tonight....Little Hunter Hayes, age 4:  one of my all-time favorites

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2.  We never did anything like this at this age.  We were too busy behaving ourselves.

3.  Got in the door tonight, just before the heavens opened up, and we had a real gully washer!

4.  Had Lebanese garlic sauce with lunch today.  Fabulous stuff!!

5.  Isn't today Bastille Day??


  1. Oops : The embedding fails (using Opera, in Yurp).

  2. we has opera here, too...not just in yurp. i can't figger out how to use it, but never fear.
    too soon oldt, too late schmardt.
