Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"Five Big Fears" from THE CREATIVE HABIT by Twyla Tharp

Five things:

1.  "People will laugh at me? Not the people I respect; they haven't yet, and they're not going to start now.  (Some others have.  London's Evening Standard from 1966:  "Three girls, one of them named Twyla Tharp, appeared at the Albert Hall last evening and threatened to do the same tonight."  So what?  Thirty-seven years later I'm still here.)"

2.  "Someone has done it before?  Honey, it's all been done before.  Nothing's really original.  Not Homer or Shakespeare and certainly not you.  Get over yourself."

3.  "I have nothing to say?  An irrelevant fear.  We all have something to say.  Plus, you're panicking too soon.  If the dancers don't walk out on you, chances are the audience won't, either."

4.  "I will upset someone I love?  A serious worry that is not easily exorcised or stared down because you never know how loved ones will respond to your creation.  The best you can do is remind yourself that you're a good person with good intentions.  You're trying to create unity, not discord.  See the curtain call.  See the people standing up.  Hear the crowd roaring."

5.  "Once executed, the idea will never be as good as it is in my mind?  Toughen up.  Leon Battista Alberti, a fifteenth-century architectural theorist, said, 'Errors accumulate in the sketch and compound in the model.'  But better an imperfect dome in Florence than cathedrals in the clouds."

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