Thursday, February 28, 2013

End of February 2013

5 things:

1.  Pope's Benedict XVI's last day!

2.  Buon riddanza!  Non lasciare che la porta a zanzariera ti ha colpito nel culo!

3.  Hans Kung in the NY Times

4.  I can hear the birdies chirping outside my porch.

5.  Wish Christopher Hitchens were still alive to write about this....

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

almost end of February.....

5 things:

1.  My Daily Challenge challenge was to create a shopping list of healthgiving foods to keep on stock.  Well, I have a bunch of healthgiving foods on stock here, but

2.  Refrigerator is busted (we think).  So need to call a repair guy.  and

3.  In the meantime, CC volunteered to pick up some groceries for me on her way back
from skool, as

4.  I have been sick, and I'm too sick to go out.'s my shopping list of healthgiving foods for today:

5.  Eggs, 4 oranges, loaf of rye bread, package of cookies, 2 apples, and 1 smallish head of cabbage.  I already have enough gin, red wine, butter, and potatoes.  And carrots--lots of those, and good ones, too:  organic from Trader Joe's!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

thoughts for today.....

1.  How come the chief Catholic prelate for Great Britain has been kicked out for his adult sexual (inappropriate) activity with maybe 4-5 priests???  He's not even going to vote for the new Pope.  Mahony and the guy from NY, however, will be there.  They "only" covered up for priests who abused hundreds of little kids.  The Vatican stinks upwind!!

2.  It's raining here today, and when I covered my mouth with my scarf, I was reminded of my mom, and all the times she wrapped me up in a scarf to keep me warm.  It works!

3.  The bread machine someone gave me when her husband gave up on it seems to have been set up wrong.  It's supposed to be at "5,"  but it was at "2" when I checked it just now.  No wonder it dint work!!  It's disappointing that it makes only one loaf at a time, too.  My previous bread recipes made 6 or 7 loaves at a time, though they were not machine-processed.

4.  Saw Vincent from Dupont again today on the Metro.  He's the young guy who looks a lot like the young Vincent Van Gogh.  Though he's getting older, too.

5.  Have a great-grandniece named "Hattie."  Cutest little doodlebug you've ever seen--unless you count her twin sister, Anna.